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You are welcome to contact us by phone, fax or email.
Address Unit 1705, 17/F., Billion Plaza, 8 Cheung Yue Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Mortgage Referral Hotline 3563 8888
Fax 3563 8889
Email mortgage@cpm.com.hk
WhatsApp 9172 2628
In order to strive to provide quality services to meet your needs and improve the quality of our services, we would like to hear your opinions. like you If you have any comments or complaints about our systems or services, please contact us through the following channels during office hours:
Complaint Hotline 28818978 (Miss Yu)
Complaint Email admin@cnp.hk
Office Hours Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 1:00pm; 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm,
Sunday and Public Holiday: Day Off
After we receive your comments or complaints, we will confirm receipt within 7 days and respond to your comments within 14 days. If comments are conveyed through a third party, we will contact the customer directly to protect customer privacy. Please read the "Personal Information Collection Statement - Customer Opinions and Complaint Handling" before providing any personal information to the Cybernetics Property Mortgage Limited.